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Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
Singularity Principle.
We are one, the beginning, the dance, and the end, and again.
13.8 Billion Years Ago, the whole entire universe existed as an infinitely tiny point, called the initial singularity.
The initial singularity contains all the energy and all temporal and spacial dimensions, as one.
As the first law of thermodynamics states that energy can not be created or destroyed, all the energy of the universe that was compressed in the initial singularity, simply diverged across different dimensions, as the universe expands, creating diversity and contrast across our spacetime continuum.
The initial singularity was a point when our universe was truly one, where everything share the same space, time and property.
The initial singularity has since been expanding, across various cosmological epochs, into our universe today.
The second law of thermodynamic maintains that as the universe ages, entropy will continuously increase until it will asymptotically approach a state where all energy is evenly distributed across all space, a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, in which no matter exists and all motion ceases, which is commonly referred to as “the heat death of the universe”.
Heat Death.
While some argues that the heat death marks the end of our universe, we argue that this state of thermodynamic equilibrium, in which no matter exists, all motion ceases and that all energy is distributed across the entire universe, is equivalent to the initial singularity in which all energy, and spacetime is indistinguishable and one.
The push and pull of the universal breath. As the singularity diversifies into unity.
This view of the universe implies that everything had always existed, and will always exist. This everything existed, in a state of oneness and unity, as a singularity, this everything has since diverged across different dimensions, into our vast universe of contrasts and diversity.
Time, space and matter does not exist in and of themselves, but rather they are something that emerges from the contrast and diversity of our universe.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This means that the fabric of our reality is not matter or energy, instead it is the contrast and diversity of such energy across divergent dimensions that is the foundation of existence itself.
The universe that existed as a singularity, existed as an indivisible one, where everything was the same, with no contrast or diversity.
The singularity has no dimensions, and has all dimensions, as one. The singularity is without time, and has all times, as one. The singularity is without space, and has all spaces, as one. The singularity is without properties, and has all properties, as one.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This everything, will return to the same singularity, where it was, it is and it will be.
This view of reality suggests that time, space and matter are not fundamental, but rather emergent properties of the universe.
The singularity is the absolute, and the universe is the relative.
In order for there, to be a universe, with contrasts and diversity, there must first be an initial singularity from which it can diverge. This initial singularity exists as an infinite point, where it contains everything and nothing at once. It is the starting point and end point of all universes.As the universe expands, entropy increases, everything will eventually return to this singularity.
The singularity is God,
and the universe is it's creation.
This is the cyclical nature of reality. Everything that has a beginning, must have an end. And everything that has an end, must have a beginning.
Life, the emergent miracle of infinity.
Life is also a result of the diversification of the singularity. Like all things, life existed in the simplest form, as a single celled organism. And over a long period of time, through the process of evolution and natural selection, life forms mutate and diversify into different organisms, each adapted to their environment in their unique ways.
Organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over time, these adaptations become more and more refined, until eventually, new species arise.
Natural selection is the process by which these advantageous traits are that are better adapted to their environment, are more likely to survive and reproduce. This process leads to the gradual change of a species over time, as those organisms that are better suited to their environment, outcompete those that are not.
Over time, through the process of evolution and natural selection, life forms have become more and more complex. Single celled organisms have give rise to multicellular organisms, which have given rise to plants and animals. And eventually, this process has led to the emergence of humans.
Our abstraction of reality.
The process of natural selection leads to the biological evolution of cognitive mechanisms, that enable an organism to better understand and navigate its environment, and to increase the chances of survival and reproduction.
To identify certain things as food, and other things as threats. And to identify certain behaviours as helpful, and other behaviours as harmful.
Human intelligence.
Human intelligence is a result of this same process of cognitive evolution, and as our cognitive mechanisms become more and more complex, we begin to create abstract entities and concepts that do not exist in the physical world.
These cognitive mechanisms did not emerge for organisms to objectively observe their environment as it really is.
Rather, they emerged for organisms to subjectively interpret their environment in a way that is advantageous for their survival and reproduction.
We have created language, which allows us to communicate our thoughts and experiences with others.
We have created mathematics, which allows us to quantify and understand our world in a way that is abstracted from the physical reality.
And we have created art, which allows us to express our emotions and experiences in beautiful and inspiring ways.
Our attempt to grasp the reality, blinds us from it with sophistications.
These abstract conventions gradually develops into human culture, a sophisticated system of knowledge, values, beliefs and behaviours that are transmitted and reinforced through education, religion, art, literature, language and other institutions across generations.
Culture enables knowledge to be preserved and passed on, as each generation can build on the foundation of accumulated perspectives, discoveries, technologies that has come before, and make new contributions.
Human culture not only enables our societies to develop, and flourish, it is an omnipresent force that structures our reality, as it practically shapes the way we see the world, how we think about it and what we believe to be true.
It is for that reason that we must recognise the overwhelming power and influence of culture on our individual lives, and be cautiously aware of its ability to control, and manipulate people, to justify discrimination and violence and to reinforce oppressive systems.
Our culture can also limit our thinking and constrain our ability to expand our perspectives, and empathise with others, with leads to conflict and divisions.
We must recognise that our culture, our language while powerful, is simply an abstract convention created by humans to grasp and control our world, and we must never mistake our abstractions for our realities.
where there are no fundamental differences and divisions between things and people in reality, only the ones that we create in our minds.
categorise and compartmentalise our reality,
While language
is a great tool that enables us to
we must never forget that it is simply a tool for us to understand our reality,
While language is a great tool that enables us to
It is for that reason that we must recognise the overwhelming power and influence of culture on our individual lives, and be cautiously aware of its ability to control, and manipulate people, to justify discrimination and violence and to reinforce oppressive systems.
Our culture can also limit our thinking and constrain our ability to expand our perspectives, and empathise with others, with leads to conflict and divisions.
We must recognise that our culture, our language while powerful, is simply an abstract convention created by humans to grasp and control our world, and we must never mistake our abstractions for our realities.
where there are no fundamental differences and divisions between things and people in reality, only the ones that we create in our minds.
categorise and compartmentalise our reality,
While language
is a great tool that enables us to
we must never forget that it is simply a tool for us to understand our reality,
While language is a great tool that enables us to
Cultural Enlightenment of Unity.
As we create abstract conventions and systems, which gradually develops into human culture, empowering us to collaborate and continuously develop the human civilisation across generations and control our planet.
Human intelligence enables us to abstract reality.
Cultural Enlightenment of Unity.
As we create abstract conventions and systems, which gradually develops into human culture, empowering us to collaborate and continuously develop the human civilisation across generations and control our planet.
Human intelligence enables us to abstract reality.
We have exploited and oppressed those who are weaker than us, and caused great suffering in the world.
We have used our intelligence to domesticate plants and animals, and harness the power of fire and electricity.
We have built great cities and created works of art that have inspired awe and wonder.
We have developed systems of government and economics, and created institutions that have shaped the course of history.
We have also used our intelligence to create weapons of mass destruction, and to wage wars against each other.
As technology continues to develop, individuals will attain more and more power to shape the world around us, and will have the ability to turn our most virtuous aspirations and darkest desires into reality.
While we may attempt to safeguard and limits ones' abilities and access to these technologies, what is more essential, is for us to utilise our innate creativity and imagination to widen the scope of human culture.
Technology continues to develop.
To express and celebrate our individuality
To inspire and empower each other to be more compassionate and empathic
And to promote the message of unity and peace.
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Singularity Principle